56 Stuff Music Night



An edited footage from a 56 Stuff party, which was all-night-long, oh-so-fun and so on.

56 Stuff Music Night

An edited footage from a 56 Stuff party, which was all-night-long, oh-so-fun and so on.

They exist, the people who are able to appreciate interesting electronic music. We think it’s not a bad idea to gather them from time to time at one place. What you can see here was filmed during one of the gatherings of that kind.

This video report is rather experimental, so don’t let its mood disorient you. In real life the happening was joyful and intense. Like all the rare parties that we throw.

Live music performers: Zimmer-G, Scaly Whale and Yellowhead.
DJs: Ivan Voltanov, Vlad Mikeev and Nikita Gorkovenko.

Filmed by Denis Davidov (mostly).

November 12, 2016
Dewar’s Powerhouse, Moscow